|  | Various things to make admins' lives easier |
|  | Edit the alias list |
| | Adds autocomplete to search & tagging. |
|  | Turns BBCode into HTML |
|  | Allows admins to modify & set custom <head> content |
|  | Show a "down for maintenance" page |
|  | Allow users to favorite images |
|  | Bring a specific image to the users' attentions |
| | Handle JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, etc files |
|  | Allow users to make comments on images |
|  | Show a list of uploaded images |
|  | Tracks & displays how many times an image is viewed |
|  | Show various forms of link to each image, for copy & paste |
| | Provides common functions and settings used for media operations. |
| | Self explanatory |
| | Self explanatory |
|  | Do things with a random image |
|  | Allows displaying a page with random images |
|  | Regenerate a thumbnail image |
| | Report images as dupes/illegal/etc |
| | This extension allows admins to resize images. |
| | Keep a record of source changes, and allows you to revert changes. |
|  | Show various bits of system information |
| | Let tags be split into 'categories', like Danbooru's tagging |
|  | Allow images to have tags assigned to them |
| | Keep a record of tag changes, and allows you to revert changes. |
| | Simple search and replace |